Saturday, April 30, 2011

Does this make scent?

I heard a wonderful line in a movie today it was,

"Do you know why we clang glasses together when we toast?
It's because we want all five senses to be involved at the time,
we can smell the aroma of the wine,
appreciate the beauty of it's rich red color,
touch the coolness of the glass in our hand,
and taste the sweet nectar of the fermented grape,
but to hear it, we must clang glasses together to include the fifth sense of sound."

My senses are keen.

I'm not saying that I have regular senses,
I'm saying I think I have extraordinary senses.

Maybe not my hearing (too much rock an roll),
OK not my sight either, as I have aged an it's not as sharp as it used to be,
but the rest of them.

I can go to a restaurant taste a dish come home and replicate it.

Sometimes they may throw me off by adding a spice I am unfamiliar with,
but most times I can get pretty darn close.

I can smell the rain coming miles off.

I can tell what my neighbors are cooking by walking past their open doors.

If you are not feeling well, I can smell it on your breath.

This can be a mixed blessing.

Sometimes while driving with my window open,
I can smell the workers stench in the truck in front of me on the highway.

When I walk into a restaurant, and I can smell the grill, I want to leave and not return.
I know that sounds petty, but a clean restaurant would not smell.

I can smell detergent in peoples clothes when I'm out shopping.

The funny thing is, my memory banks are full of scents.

The smell of my mother's lipstick, my father's work coat...can bring me to tears.

Musty cellar scent is one of my favorites.

Why am I talking about this??
I guess it has to do with the royal wedding.
I heard every detail on TV at least three times.

But not one reporter had mentioned the scents of the day.

What kind of perfume was Lady Catherine wearing?

Does the queen smell like moth balls?

All those hats! Surely the glue holding them together would have given off an air.

The candles burring in the cathedral were they beeswax??

I guess I just wanted to get a true scent of the affair.

I remember my own wedding, it had rained the entire morning so the grass was wet and you could get a scent of earth worms in the air,
the flowers were in full bloom and the roses gave off a sweet scent.

Close to the house was mint just prior to going to seed and it mingled with the pine tree.

Inside the church there were beeswax candles all a glow and I had freshly washed hair using herbal essence shampoo and wella conditioner, aqua net hairspray was the signature scent of the day, all the ladies wore it and it ruled the air around us.

Funny how when I smell aqua net hairspray even today some thirty years later,
all those memories flow back to me as if I had never left.

When people coined the phrase "stop and smell the roses" I think what they are really saying take this scent in, deep into your senses so you can relive this day sometime in the future.

Perhaps it's a great way to time travel... I believe I'll leave that for another day.

May all your senses be with you.

Peace and love,

1 comment:

  1. They say,that the sense of smell is the most powerful,when it comes to invoking memories. I often smell something,and have it take me back to a fond memory,but also,I can do this in reverse....revive a memory,and recall a scent that was familiar to it....It never fails to amaze and delight!!
