Thursday, April 21, 2011


Yes that's right I am procrastinating.
I have dry masks, ready for the glass application to be applied and I decline.
Yepp... you heard right, decline.
Part of me wants to just bang these out and the other part of me wants to make the mosaic so tiny it looks like the faces are painted on.
The creative struggle. Looking at the dried plaster is making me crazy.

I want to sand the plaster smooth, but I know this is not necessary.

It's called procrastination.

I know it too well. I have three projects started in my craft room and they have been on hold for quite some time.
Why? I ask myself this question all the time... I think the answer is more complex than just I'm busy, or I'm lazy or I need inspiration, it's more like I'm afraid to finish them, they are so well done what if I can not duplicate my skill or better my skill???

Failure is a scary thing.

Not doing anything is easy, I can justify myself here on this blog and it sounds all noble. HA!
There is nothing noble about it, it's just life.
I sometimes take myself way too seriously.
Goals are good.
If I say to you I'm going to be there at eight I'm there at eight or usually seven forty five.
I'm conditionally early. My parents drummed that into me as a young child, "You are not so important that you can keep people waiting" I can hear my father saying this over and over.
Okay.. My goal is to finish or at least apply some glass to these masks by the end of next week. ok?
As for the projects in my craft room....that's another story.
Speaking of stories, I am working on a screen play/story about my grandparents. I read it aloud for the first time, to my friend, she loved it.

(although I think she is too kind and wouldn't tell me the truth if she hated it)

It's not done yet but it's in the procrastination pile along with some mending and clothes that need to be ironed.
The procrastination on this story was simple.... I was waiting for all of my mother's family to pass on (out of respect) before completion.
Now they are all deceased I have no more excuses.

Except fear... this time it's not fear of failure it's fear of success.

I am my own worse enemy.
I have the material bought to make my dress to wear to the Oscar's.

Yes, this is how sure I am, of the success of which I am delaying, by procrastinating.

The wonder of why would one delay success is simple,
I am comfortable in my world, I know my life, enjoy the freedom I have from stress. Success changes everyone and everything... I am not ready for the change it will bring at least... not yet.
I know you are probably thinking ..."My God Janice has lost her diluted mind,"
but then again...

you haven't heard the play.

Believe in yourself, know in your own mind there is no one else on this earth that is like you.

You are unique to this world... you can not be cloned.
Search for what you love, and do it, and keep doing it... till you are so great at it, that no one else can measure up to what you are... because when we follow our bliss, there is no ceiling to contain our talent, and no roof we can't blow off.
Peace and love,

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