Saturday, May 7, 2011

How to cultivate a lasting friendship.

Friends come into our lives at different times.

Some come early, as children.
We look back fondly on our memories,
and the care free days of youth.

These friendships are usually short lived,
we move or just grow apart.

Sometimes you have one friend,
if you are lucky,
this person will be with you for most of your life.

I am lucky to have friends like this.

I consider myself one of the rare people of the world.

I cherish my friendships.

I believe with out these women, my life would be flat, dull, and unremarkable.
When I am feeling sad, or down in the dumps, I can count on my friends to cheer me up.

When I am happy I want to share my joy they are the first ones I think of to call.

They know this goes both ways that's why we are friends.
All relationships are give and take.

You can't give so much, there is nothing left to take,
and you can't take so much, there is nothing left to give.

I believe we should surround ourselves with those who will bring us up in this world.

Being aware of the vampires...
you know these folks,
they disguise themselves as a good friend,
wanting to monopolize all of your time,
talking only about themselves,
they suck all of your joy and light,
they feed off of your exuberance of life,
because they want to be quickened by you.

They want to feel alive and happy and have no idea how to get there,

because they are too selfish to give and love.

When I was about three,
I met a girl who was also three,
we spent our days in the summer sitting and digging in a sandy beach playing in the water, building sand castles, an watching little tad poles swim by.

By the time we reached seven, we were catching and releasing tad poles,
she was teaching me to swim and we were daring each other to go down the "big slide".

Ten was sleepovers and seances.

Fourteen brought insecurities of our looks and our bodies,
in which I will never forget the fashion tips,
borrowed tops and lightened hair, drive-in movies and midnight walks.

At eighteen, we were sharing one another's dreams about boys, jobs and our futures.

And at twenty-one I was introducing her to the man I wanted to marry.

We supported each other through births and deaths,
marriage and moves, happiness and grief,
over phone lines, postal service
and now e-mails and text messages.
Time has a way of passing with out your knowledge.

I can still see us swimming in the lake,
floating on our backs watching the clouds roll over head.
I remember thinking I am special just by having you in my life.

Some people make impressions on you, and some make them on your heart.
Now we fly to see each other, or drive across county,
always managing some time through out the year for one another.

We have made the road of our lives rich with memories and for this I am eternally grateful.

Knowing good friendships don't just happen they are "made to happen,"
you need to call,
build a sand castle together,
stop over,
and send love to each other.
Sharing your happiness,
sadness, and your time,
is the only way to cultivate a lasting friendship.

May the grace of friendship be with you now and always,

Peace and love,

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